iV-VET® is a mobile mechanical infusion pump intended to use for Intravenous therapy.
It is a purely mechanical system where the springs are used to generate the force needed to empty the content of the IV-bag.

  • It is a user-friendly device that is easy to use by health professionals, with simple loading and unloading mechanisms.
  • Improve a patient’s quality of life by increasing their mobility while under treatment.
  • Designed to allow patients receiving intravenous infusion treatment in Veterinary Clinic and enable patients to be mobile at a higher extent
  • during treatment than when using a standard IV-pole.
  • iV-GO® requires no batteries or electricity.
  • Improves the outcome of treatments by allowing the patient to be more mobile during treatment.
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iV VET 03
  • Easy-to-use and allows patients to move freely.
  • It can be wrapped around the waist.
  • Reusable device that is meant to be used multiple times during its lifetime.
  • No direct contact between patient and device.
  • Intuitive and fast set-up, usual way to adjust flow.
To learn more about our products & services +966114005640
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